Eastern Bluebird

January 22, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

My weekend was really nice, but it went by too quickly. My sister Tammy, her family, and their two dogs spent the weekend at my house so we could help my parents out with some stuff. We worked very hard helping my parents, we went to breakfast one morning, and we enjoyed pizza one night and taco's another. Our time with my parents Saturday and Sunday were very busy and it was good that we could help them. Our evenings were a lot of fun as we hung out at my house, the adults drank a few beverages and we chatted away, while enjoying many laughs. My sisters kids are very entertaining and they love coming to my house, which is a fraction of the size of theirs. My living room was transformed into wall-to-wall bed and so it was really cozy hanging out.

Sadly, I skipped a blog last night because I was simply too tired and living life with my family. Sometimes you just have to skip things and enjoy the moment. With that, I'm excited to sit down and share something with you all today. 

The different seasons often offer a different variety of wildlife and so I love them all, even winter when it is cold and the days are short. One of the birds I see often in winter is Eastern Bluebirds. They generally make a nice distraction for me while I'm sitting around at the park and waiting for bald eagles to photograph. They hang out close and I get to see them in trees, on weeds, and even on the ground. Although the brown grass may not be too pretty in the winter, it is really nice to get them on the ground when there is a nice layer of snow. In today's post I'm going to share a pic of an Eastern Bluebird perched in a tree. Their colors are so pretty, which is why I thought they should get a little attention.

Eastern Bluebirds are a North American bird that can be found in open woodlands, orchards, and farmlands. Their diets consist of insects, invertebrates, fruits, and berries. Their preference is generally crickets/grasshoppers, beetles and katydids. However, they will also eat millipedes/centipedes, worms, spiders, snails, and sowbugs. They tend to mate and nest in spring and summer and they will generally have two broods each season. The male eastern bluebird is generally darker and brighter than the female, making them a bit prettier, which is a common trait in many species of birds.

Here's a nice close up of a male. I hope you all enjoy it!

42 bluebird (AF3A6940) January 23, 2021 copyEastern BluebirdAn eastern bluebird perched in a tree in Poughkeepsie, NY. This image was taken by Debbie Quick from Debs Creative Images.


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