November 21, 2016

November 21, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Today was our fifth and final day at the Conowingo Dam. Somehow, Bob and I were the first photographer's on location and we had ALL the spots to choose from. Because we enjoyed standing on the rocks in front of the water the day before, we decided to go down there again today.

The day started off cold, windy, and overcast. The wind wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday, but it was still cold. And the overcast slowly broke up through out the day. Once again, the eagles weren't too active and the majority of their activity was far and high, but we did get a few nice opportunities. Apparently, the eagles were still full from all they ate on Friday and Saturday.

Although the eagles weren't all that cooperative doesn't mean the day was dull. We had a cormorant who hung out near us and caught and ate at least 4 fish. A couple of them he played with for a minute and gave ample opportunity for pics. The other one or two went down the hatch rather quickly. We had to be quick with the shutter!

Around 12:30 in the afternoon the sirens went off and we had to move up. Thankfully there weren't too many photographers there, so we had no issues finding new spots. I believe they opened two big generators along with 2 or 3 small generators. The water level rose over time and the gulls put on one heck of a show feasting. A few eagles came out to fish, but they were far and not as cooperative as we would have hoped. One very distant eagle caught an eel. 

Even though the eagles didn't put on the best show, I was thrilled to have such a great experience with the cormorant. I got some really fantastic shots I was hoping for.


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