July 19, 2014 - Day 65

July 19, 2014  •  1 Comment

Today has been a really fun and amazing day. We had our friends from Vermont over. Debbie and Mark and four chihuahua's (Twiki, Ridgy, Smokke, and Blue Bell). All six dogs got along great and hung out together while he humans enjoyed a BBQ and hung out. After lunch we all took a walk around the campground, then came back and hung out some more. It was a beautiful day with awesome company!

After our company left, I took the boyz for another walk around the campground and we met some really interesting people from Wisconsin.  Two men and a woman who are on a journey together. They biked from Wisconsin to here and are continuing to Maine. They've been staying at campgrounds all along the way and mostly eating food that they've been carrying along with them. I must say, I was pretty amazed by their journey and wonder if I could handle a trip like that. That would be very cool.

We had so much fun today that I decided to use a pic of my boyz and their furry friends as my blog post. 


Very cute photo. We had a great time too. The food was great and so was the company! Thanks so much for the hospitality.
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