August 8, 2013 - Day 39

August 08, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Due to my blog posts being done so late at night these past few days, I decided to cheat and utilize my lunch as my blog time! What a great idea, I should really do this more often!

This morning I heard from Jim that the crane had arrived at the construction site to install the roof trusses, so I stopped by there for a few minutes and took a few photo's. I thought it was really cool the way they did it. The crane lifts the trusses while the men help guide it into place. Then there are men already harnessed in up where the trusses will go and they attach them as well as the cross bars (I'm not really sure what they are called, so that is the best word I could thing of). Each section is completed before they move onto the next section.

As you can see from my pic today, a lot of work has been completed since I was there on Tuesday and things are really moving along!


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