February 22, 2014 - Day 14

February 23, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

This post was meant to be done last night, but I was having issues accessing my account. I'm assuming that maybe the host site was shut down for some maintenance. It happens from time to time.

I spent the whole day out viewing Eagle's and as always it was really impressive. The beautiful birds flew several times giving us the opportunity to get in flight photo's. They even mated at the and of the day (not long before sunset) and watching that was an amazing experience. There was a lot of squawking just before and during the act. Sadly, there was a big branch in the way, so we could only see a part of what was taking place.

In addition to photographing the adult bald eagle's, there was a juvenile bald eagle, some hawks, vultures, and turkey vultures that buzzed around the area and flew in close for a photo op.

Here is an awesome adult bald eagle. Apparently a female who NY band many years ago. She and her partner have been together for 14 years now and are closely observed by the DEC and many bird watchers who love to spend their day watching these amazing creatures! It is truly breathtaking to watch them! It has become one of my newest hobby's!


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