December 15, 2013 - Day 73

December 15, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

It has finally stopped snowing here in the Hudson Valley and everything looks really pretty. I shoveled last night and then again this morning. I'm really happy I did the first pass last night because that snow was light and fluffy. The stuff on the ground this morning was really heavy. Especially the mess that is left beyond my driveway because the guy who plows our neighborhood has no clue how to plow. Every time it snows I have to shovel roughly 3 feet into the road because this guy underestimates the width of the road.

Anyhow, now that I've gotten the driveway and walkway all cleaned up, I came in and goofed off with my camera! Here's a partial shot of my village, with a better background than I had the last time I took pics of it! Actually, the last pics I took of it were just the wall in the background. This time I made sure to use a backdrop and I like this photo soooooo much better!

For those of you who got snow this past weekend, I hope your having fun with it! Stay safe and warm!  :-)



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