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There many different groups of Hawks: Accipiters, Bueteos, Falcons, Harriers, Vultures, Osprey, and Eagles. On this page, I'm going to concentrate on the Accipiters and the Buteos since I have separate pages for Falcons, Osprey, and Bald Eagles.

Accipiters Group
There are three species found in North America: Coopers Hawk, Sharp-Shinned Hawk, and Northern Goshawks.

Buteos Group
There are four species found in North America: Red-Tailed Hawk, Red-Shouldered Hawk, Swainson's Hawk, and Rough-Legged Hawk.
Hawks have very sharp vision and are excellent hunters. They usually eat birds, fish, lizards, mice, rabbits, snakes, and squirrels.

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Additional information about Hawks
Immature Red Tailed HawkImmature Red Tailed HawkImmature Red Tailed HawkRed Shouldered Hawk in FloridaImmature Red Tailed HawkNorthern Harrier at the Black Dirt RegionRed Shouldered Hawk in FloridaImmature Red Tailed HawkRed Shouldered Hawk in FloridaRed Shouldered Hawk in Florida